As a hardcore metalhead such as myself, I have heard this statement a many an occasion: "God, the Big Four of thrash metal are so overrated, I mean there are just way better bands then them." It's almost like a rite of passage if your to be a hardcore, true fan of metal in select circles. And to be honest, it annoys the Lemmy piss out of me. Now that isn't to say one cannot have this opinion, obviously everyone has the right to any opinion that they want (unless they say St. Anger is the best album, then we crucify them), but I see it so many times and it really seems like people are saying it just because these bands are too popular and that's about it.

The point that I'm trying to convey is that some of us in the metal community have become way too blinded by the success that the bands have achieved. It's admittedly a problem I see all across music communities, but I see it very prominently in metal; the classic "oh they've gone popular that means they suck and are overhyped." This is a mindset that I really just have no patience for the more I dive into music as a whole; I understand not being into a band because they are overplayed or overexposed, trust me with even some of my favorite bands I have that same reaction, but let's not use that as a reason to throw a band and their influence under the bus. As I've stated, if you don't like the band, you don't like the band, but have it be for a reason that isn't a reaction to how popular they have gotten or how annoying sometimes the fans are.
In my view, that is bordering on intellectual dishonesty and is almost childish in behavior. Take away the millions that the bands have accumulated, the stadiums, everything, and focus on the music. If the music stirs you even a little, don't think of it as you "succumbing to the normies" but that you acknowledge that these popular bands are popular for a pretty damn good reason. Now I like some other thrash bands more than at least Slayer and Metallica (because Megadeth would be in the top five for myself) but I will at the very least acknowledge that they are great bands who deserve the praise they have received. Again, different opinions are all fine, but don't just mindlessly hate on an act just because you want to be part of the cool crowd, because saying Metallica is overrated isn't that hot of a take anymore, just saying.
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