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Showing posts from August, 2020

Rush Retrospective Part 15: Counterparts (1993)

Approaching the Alien Shore       The year is 1993.  If the eighties were a big shake up in the music landscape for Rush, it was nothing compared to this section of the nineties. To give clarity, only two and a half weeks after the release of “Roll the Bones”, on September 24th, 1991, a little band in Seattle released their sophomore album: “Nevermind”.  To say that this record was a shake up for the rock world would be a gross understatement, almost single handedly pushing the rock genre into a new era. With this shakeup, how would Rush be able to compete in this landscape of grunge and alternative rock?  Would they fail to rise up to the challenge as many legacy acts succumb to at this time?  The answer: ...a resounding hell to the no. To assist them in the project, the band entrusted the help of producer Peter Collins, the man who worked with them in the past on “Power Windows” and “Hold Your Fire”. With this change, “Counter...