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Showing posts from April, 2020

Rush Retrospective Part 13: Presto (1989)

Rush hit a tiny speed bump in their career, it was only a matter of time. Luckily, this creative misfire wasn’t even close to stopping Rush’s creative output and in 1989, as the eighties were nearing their conclusion, the band released their final record in the decade that showcased them at their most prolific and creative. With a switch to a new record label, the legendary Atlantic Records, and a new producer at the helm, Rupert Hine, the band was ready to close out the decade in a strong fashion. The big question though was if the trio was going to learn from the mistakes that plagued “Hold Your ”?  The answer:...kind of… The album opens with “Show Don’t Tell”, and it kicks off with Alex Lifeson delivering a nice crunchy riff, and it shows the band kind of returning to stronger guitar presence, or at least one that isn’t as clean as what was exhibited on previous releases. There are still keyboards on this track, and on the album as a whole, but they seem to be scaled...